My paper was accepted for presentation at the INCOSE Symposium in Rome this summer – very exciting, although I’m going to have very little time for exploring. In fact, the paper was accepted for presentation as a poster, so I need to rearrange it and get it ready as a single sheet poster, which I… Continue reading Symposium Poster Ideas
Tag: Work
Write It Down
As an engineer, we are often reminded how important it is to write stuff down. Stuff that’s written down is more available than stuiff that exists only in someone’s head, or in someone’s private stash somewhere. In the UK, the warning was always, “What if you fall under a bus tomorrow?” – leaving the rest… Continue reading Write It Down
Engineering An Agreement
I have worked in engineering now for well over 10 years. I don’t have any direct certification in a specific engineering discipline, like Civil Engineering (concrete and steel), Electrical Engineering (copper and insulation), Mechanical Engineering (pumps and valves), Software Engineering (code and networks). Because of this, don’t listen to anything I say. Also because of… Continue reading Engineering An Agreement
Writing Things Down So I Don’t Forget
When I was employed in my first “proper” job, which in fact I have to this day, I was always trying to find ways to organise my thoughts and notes in such a way as to record everything I needed to know, and to remember, and to write up elsewhere. I would watch respected senior… Continue reading Writing Things Down So I Don’t Forget
Alternative Schedule
I’ve signed up on the Alternative Work Schedule here in the office. It means I work 9 hours a day Monday to Thursday, 8 hours on Friday and every other Friday I get off. It was offered to me when I first arrived, and having thought about it and seen people doing it, I’ve taken the plunge. Tomorrow… Continue reading Alternative Schedule
Yoorow Two Faasand And Fowah
There’s a sweepstake at work for the Euro 2004 football championships. Now, I don’t know anything about football, so I don’t know whether drawing Sweden is good or bad. “OK,” I was told. We’ll see. I stand to win about £30, so it would be nice. *cliche alert!* I do know enough to know that… Continue reading Yoorow Two Faasand And Fowah
My Baby Takes The Morning Train
There’s a small problem with trying to get a good view from Blackfriars bridge at 8.45am, and that is the trains. There you are, nicely seated, while around you people jostle in that wonderfully English way, without actually touching. The opening bars of “Good Times” by Spiritualized is playing on the old MD (single version, ta very much), the mist is… Continue reading My Baby Takes The Morning Train