I got my Green Card! Or at least, I have a piece of paper that says I have been granted my request for change in Permanent Resident Status, and that I should receive my card in the next couple of weeks. Cassie and I went to the USCIS building on Washington and Sansome, where we… Continue reading Green Carded
Tag: Wedding
This Garlic Press Is My Mortal Enemy
We registered for and received this Garlic Press/Slicer from Bed Bath & Beyond, and I would like to say that it is a colossal pain in my arse. Cassie does the cooking generally, and I do the cleaning. The thing is terrible to clean, and I from what I’ve seen it doesn’t do a very… Continue reading This Garlic Press Is My Mortal Enemy
Alex & Jason’s Wedding, Los Angeles, June 2011
It’s been a while since I’ve been back to LA. Cassie went down more recently to sort stuff out for our wedding, but this time we were guests at someone else’s – our dear friends Alex and Jason. It was on a Friday, so I took the day off, and we made the well-worn trip… Continue reading Alex & Jason’s Wedding, Los Angeles, June 2011
Celebrate, Peasants
“I got married last year. Apart from my family and friends, no-one else gave a tuppenny shit. I felt this was perfectly reasonable.”I did not feel the need to label them ‘refuseniks’ or write lengthy newspaper articles asking why they don’t have souls.” via The Daily Mash – Armed troops to ensure enjoyment of royal… Continue reading Celebrate, Peasants
Clock Ticking Weekend
Friday evening our officiant Taylor came over to discuss the plans for the wedding – still some key stuff to figure out, but all going well. This week must see some milestones though. In the end we didn’t get much actual planning done, but it was good to talk things through and brainstorm a bit.… Continue reading Clock Ticking Weekend