Out of this World: Science Fiction but not as you know it. I wish I could visit this. I used to walk past the British Library every day when I worked at Euston Station – I would get the train to King’s Cross Thameslink and walk (or get the bus if it was raining). The… Continue reading British Library Sci-Fi Exhibition
Tag: UK
Professor What?
Cassie emailed from work to ask about Doctor Who, because she said she and her colleagues were trying to figure out some things and thought asking a Brit would help. As it turned out, this was a big fat fib – she was just asking to find out which Who I liked so she could… Continue reading Professor What?
The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 3
US UK Blanket duvet / quilt Quilt thin quilted cover with design on it like they used to make. Sheet Sheet Sherbet Sorbet Fizzy sweet powder Sherbet Comforter thin duvet Flan Creme Caramel pudding like what used to make me cat up when I was a kid. Pudding Blancmange Dessert Pudding
The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 2
UPDATE: This is all being moved to a dedicated page, where I will continue to document the differences. The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 1 Key: = pretty much equal to ~= similar to /= not equal to CVS = Boots Rite Aid ~= (a slightly shabby) Boots Walgreens = Boots Target ~= what… Continue reading The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 2
I Want My Money Back
Got up this morning, and before I could do anything else I had to put the heat on for the first time in my apartment. What the hell? I’ve been joking recently to friends back in the UK that it’s been so cold here that I had to roll my sleeves down. Now that Xmas is… Continue reading I Want My Money Back
The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 1
Here’s my ongoing project to spot which US products are like which UK products, because it has never been done before anywhere, in slim humorous books or elsewhere. These are my observations as and when I think of them, so don’t expect completeness or accuracy, or indeed entertainment. Keep your expectations low, is what I’m… Continue reading The Same But Different, UK-US Differences Part 1
Status Of Missing
So, how is the great experiment doing? Am I missing the country of my birth? A little. I miss my ex-dog quite a lot. My Google Reader feed of all Flickr photos tagged “westie” is either helping or not helping. I miss my good friends. I didn’t have such a huge circle. My brother and sister are up… Continue reading Status Of Missing
Lloyds TSB Are A Rotten Terrible Bank, And Stupid
This little item made me smile. A guy in the UK had his bank password set to ‘Lloyds is pants’, and they changed it behind his back and told him it wasn’t appropriate. He told the media, and now it’s all over the Web. Well done you! I’m a Lloyds TSB victim customer, and I’ve been… Continue reading Lloyds TSB Are A Rotten Terrible Bank, And Stupid
I Wear My Wartime Coat In The Wind And Sleet
My friends Brian and Stacy are away from Hollywood at the moment. They’re on their delayed honeymoon, which for them is to fly to England, retrieve their scooters from storage, and then do the things and have days. You know, ride to the Isle of Wight, Paris, the Ace Cafe (now scooter-friendly, apparently), all under… Continue reading I Wear My Wartime Coat In The Wind And Sleet
I’m proud to say to you…
ICH BIN EIN ENGLAENDER Englaender is German for spanner