Rehearsal Progressss

We’ve had a couple of rehearsals now, and things seem to be going well. The script is being written as we go along, that is, at each rehearsal we get a few more pages. Or, god forbid, changes to the existing pages. I’m doing the design for the poster, as I like to dabble with… Continue reading Rehearsal Progressss

I Am The Marquis! (Goo Goo G’joob)

I’m rather pleased and not a little daunted to be able to say that I’ve been cast as the notorious Marquis de Sade in a new production by Carlton Dramatic Society. The iniquitous Marquis de Sade is imprisoned in the asylum of Charenton for endangering public morals. There he continues to write scandalous novels and… Continue reading I Am The Marquis! (Goo Goo G’joob)