During the early planning stages of our wedding, Cassie sent me a link to a Lego wedding cake topper that she thought looked cool. We were wondering what we should do about that – we thought it would be fun to have an interesting cake topper (these details are all very important) but we’d seen… Continue reading Reception – Lego Cake Topper
Tag: Funny
Engineering An Agreement
I have worked in engineering now for well over 10 years. I don’t have any direct certification in a specific engineering discipline, like Civil Engineering (concrete and steel), Electrical Engineering (copper and insulation), Mechanical Engineering (pumps and valves), Software Engineering (code and networks). Because of this, don’t listen to anything I say. Also because of… Continue reading Engineering An Agreement
Rescued Geocities ‘Fry and Laurie’ Scripts
Taking a cue from Phil Gyford, I decided to take a punt on mirroring this Geocities site of out-of-print scripts from A Bit Of Fry And Laurie here. The previous link may well be dead soon, because Yahoo!, the owners of Geocities, will soon be shutting the place down. The script site was last updated… Continue reading Rescued Geocities ‘Fry and Laurie’ Scripts
The Lyrics To Alexei Sayle’s Hit Single, ‘Ullo John! Got A New Motor?
Couldn’t find these anywhere, and you all know what a bloody minefield searching for lyrics is, so here you go, I transcribed them for you. They’re written in normal English, you can translate into Cockney on the fly in your heads. Cheers. Incidentally, I tried to do this transcription once in 1982, from a cassette… Continue reading The Lyrics To Alexei Sayle’s Hit Single, ‘Ullo John! Got A New Motor?
Board Games Automated
This post on Boing Boing got me thinking about the time I wrote a program that played with itself. I think it was written on the mutated basic supplied with the ICL/BT Merlin Tonto that my Dad brought home one day. Or it could have been on the ZX Spectrum, can’t remember. Anyway, I taught the… Continue reading Board Games Automated
The Advent Calendar Follies
Actually “folly” – singular. With the beginning for real of the Xmas season, I thought I’d write down for posterity a little anecdote from my childhood. If you know me you’ve probably heard this many times before, if not, prepare to be non-plussed! In our house we would have an Advent Calendar hung up, to… Continue reading The Advent Calendar Follies
Lloyds TSB Are A Rotten Terrible Bank, And Stupid
This little item made me smile. A guy in the UK had his bank password set to ‘Lloyds is pants’, and they changed it behind his back and told him it wasn’t appropriate. He told the media, and now it’s all over the Web. Well done you! I’m a Lloyds TSB victim customer, and I’ve been… Continue reading Lloyds TSB Are A Rotten Terrible Bank, And Stupid
D’ye Ken John Plunk In His Plunk So Gay?
Many years ago, I inherited a few books from my brother. They were Spike Milligan’s war diaries (which included, within the first ten pages, my first sight of the ‘C’ word) and a couple of the Molesworth books by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle. I was hooked instantly, despite not really understanding the setting, a… Continue reading D’ye Ken John Plunk In His Plunk So Gay?
Minutes of meeting, Saturday 1 March 2008
I met James for a pint or x a few Saturdays ago, and we had the usual rambling, digressing, tangent-going-off-on, and thoroughly enjoyable and edifying discussion. Here are a few of the topics covered, in no order, but you may be able to see where threads link up. Noise Music Teleportation – Physical transferral or descriptive… Continue reading Minutes of meeting, Saturday 1 March 2008
A Strong Showing
On a recent Sunday evening, I went off to see Count Arthur strong at the Arts Theatre by Leicester Square, with Robin. Rob called in the afternoon to ask if wanted to go. He asked if I had heard of Count Arthur Strong – and I had to laugh because I can’t believe we’ve gone… Continue reading A Strong Showing