Dec 1984
Beautiful all black horse, black mane & tail (horsehair) and red leather harness & saddle with bells & rings.
Sold to Mr Kitson of Wytton (in the RAF) for £150.
4 Bath Close, RAF Wytton, Huntingdon, Cambs.
Mr Kitson refused to let us keep the horse until Xmas as is usual, he was afraid we should sell it. So a cheque was made out & the horse wrapped in RAF covers & taken away.
Mr Kitson was a very handsome & charming young man, who said he had been looking for a real Victorian wooden horse for his little girl for over 3 years – he was completely overwhelmed with it, & said, “I shall keep the name ‘Midnight’, I think it is perfect!”. (So another happy customer!)
It’s actually RAF Wyton. They probably have good records, so that will be a good lead.