Change Is In The Air

Even a couple of days ago, I had to wear a fleece to walk the dog first thing in the morning. This morning I was in shorts and t-shirt, and when I got out of my car at work, the parking lot was stuffy and warm. The weather is beginning to think about warming up… Continue reading Change Is In The Air

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New Audio Activity

I’ve managed to get another Coiled Spring episode out, and it’s available here. Now I’ve ironed out some glitches with the podcast creation script, I should be able to clear the backlog – so that means there will be a few more coming! I’ve also been playing with other audio experiments, such as this phasing… Continue reading New Audio Activity

Categorized as Podcast

The Colours Of Babies

Cassie and I don’t want to perpetuate any kind of colour-based gender bias. It’s infuriating to see so much stuff on sale that is divided by colour for boys and girls. I think it may be particularly bad here, because people seem to have embraced it (or at least haven’t become more progressive about it… Continue reading The Colours Of Babies

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DIY Crib Mobile Arm From PVC Pipe

Cassie bought a lovely felt aeroplane mobile (UK pronunciation: mōbīl, US pronunciation: mōbēl, it’s a wonder we ever get anything done) from the nice people at Dundry Hill Feltworks to hang over the babies crib. It’s beautiful, but I didn’t want to hang it from the ceiling or attach it to the wall. For one… Continue reading DIY Crib Mobile Arm From PVC Pipe

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Audacity Crash Path To Permissions Hell

[graphviz] digraph Audacity { node [shape=box fontname=”Arial”] edge [color=”black” penwidth=”2″] “Audacity crashing” -> “consider replacement” -> “Ardour?” -> “JACK settings issue” -> “Google solutions” -> “Add user to ‘audio’ group” -> “error in command” -> “user is now ONLY\na member of ‘audio’” -> “not member of\n’admin’ or ‘sudo’” -> “can’t change user settings”; “boot to\nGRUB… Continue reading Audacity Crash Path To Permissions Hell

Actual Name Sources Of Our Children

In my recent posts I suggested that the names of our less-than-two-month-old twins were just plucked out of think air. Of course that was a bit of a lie, as shown by my wife’s post on the same subject on Facebook. I include it below for the record. What’s in a name? I have been… Continue reading Actual Name Sources Of Our Children

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Arthur Elliott Petty

People have asked where we got the names for our children from. The answer is, just around the place, but here’s a list of various people and entities with the same names. Arthur King Arthur, legendary British monarch Arthur Ashe (1943–1993), American tennis player Arthur Balfour (1848–1930), British politician Art Baltazar (born 1968), Comic writer… Continue reading Arthur Elliott Petty

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Edith Lenore Petty

People have asked where we got the names for our children from. The answer is, just around the place, but here’s a list of various people and entities with the same names. Edith Edith Bouvier Beale (1917–2002), American socialite and cousin to Jacqueline Kennedy Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (1895–1977), American socialite and aunt of Jacqueline… Continue reading Edith Lenore Petty

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Arthur Elliott Petty and Edith Lenore Petty Born 16 December 2015, 0941 and 0943 GST, Abu Dhabi, UAE All involved are happy and healthy, the babies are thriving and beautiful.

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7 Days 7 Songs Part 2 – Day 3 – LFO – ‘Tied Up’

Part of the whole ‘7 Days 7 Songs’ thing Today’s pop pick: LFO – ‘Tied Up’. Heard a remix on a magazine cover mixtape, tracked down the original. Should have bought the whole album then, which I have since done. The change in tone from the big beefy beaty beginning and the floating midsection gets… Continue reading 7 Days 7 Songs Part 2 – Day 3 – LFO – ‘Tied Up’