In ages past, I was in a play. Here are some old notes about it. This is a page for recording ideas about Kristen McGorry’s script for a comedy play based around HG Wells’s book ‘The War of the Worlds’ and the Jeff Wayne 1978 rock opera album based upon it. Have a character called… Continue reading Early Notes from ‘They Came From Woking’
Category: Theatre
Improv Again
When Friend Kristen was in town way back in late 2012 (again), we went out on the town on Friday. After a nice curry and too much Taj Mahal lager at Little Delhi, we went to the regular improv show from Big City Improv at the Shelton Theater in downtown SF. It’s a small theater,… Continue reading Improv Again
The Carlton Pantomime 2005 – The Full Script!
From the vaults, I present the polished-up script for the Carlton Dramatic Society Pantomime for the 2005 Xmas party. This was written by Kristen McGorry and I, and performed by a bunch of miscreants, some of whom are named in the script. This is a combination of two very British things – the nativity play… Continue reading The Carlton Pantomime 2005 – The Full Script!
Theatre Database Available Again
I’ve managed to get my little database of theatrical productions I’ve been involved with back up, after an extended period of not being able to remember my MySQL password (thanks, ICDSoft tech support!). It’s part of my ongoing relationship with theatre – the small-scale, amateur, just-for-fun kind. I now need to update a lot of… Continue reading Theatre Database Available Again
Sad News From The Carlton
I received some very sad news today from my old friends in the Carlton Dramatic Society. Philippa “Pippa” Cain (nee Booth) died suddenly on April 28th. She was a huge part of the society, driving the shows, the direction and the character of the group for several years. She met her husband Adam there, and… Continue reading Sad News From The Carlton
Carlton Production Pages
Back when I was a member of Carlton Dramatic Society in Wimbledon, I was for a while the newsletter editor, and by extension, the website editor as well. The site was already packed with pages from the earlier productions, so when I spruced up the site, I corralled them into a new page, and tied… Continue reading Carlton Production Pages
Fresh Meat Casting
Back when I was involved in amateur/independent theater in London, some friends and I found some of the things actors put their CVs pretty funny. So, we created our own casting agency, Fresh Meat, and threw together some fake CVs. The names have been changed, but they were based on ourselves – see if you… Continue reading Fresh Meat Casting
A Day In The Life Of The MC
From the archives, here is a short piece I wrote to be my biography in the program for an old improvisation show that I compere’d in Wimbledon a few years ago. See if you can spot the subtle references. ~~~ I live in Tooting, on Renmuir Street, on the 1st floor. My name is Matthew… Continue reading A Day In The Life Of The MC
Sweaty Greeks
Thursday. Audience = 20. This is one those liveblogging things where I’m typing backstage, while Tiresias applies her Amy Winehouse eye makeup, and on stage Oedipus and Jocasta discuss the stories that will soon intertwine to reveal their terrible fate. Not exactly liveblogging, because this won’t hit the web until later, but kinda. My first… Continue reading Sweaty Greeks
We’re Surrounded!
Saturday 3 May. Audience: 20 / 20ish. A matinee performance where the audience outnumbered the cast? Unthinkable. But there we were, with people… looking at us… on all sides. Despite this unforeseen hiccup, the first performance was good with lots of energy. I think I saw the fabled Man of Wimbledon, with his harrumphing and stretching,… Continue reading We’re Surrounded!