It’s For Research, Honest

This article from Vanity Fair got me thinking about how we use books to accessories ourselves, and well it might, that is after all the subject of the article, so well done James Wolcott. When the Harry Potter novels first broke through from primary school reading time to mainstream public consumption (before the transition from… Continue reading It’s For Research, Honest

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How 37-Year Olds Consume Media

By Matthew Petty (37 years and 2 months) This has been a bit of a thing recently (read: “about 3 weeks ago”), although my delay in posting this means I’ve missed the boatwagon a bit, but never mind eh? Caveat – the fact I disagreed with the previous attempts at this tells me to state… Continue reading How 37-Year Olds Consume Media

A Reason, Not The Other

Post are a bit sparse here right now because I’m moving from San Diego to San Francisco, and Cassie is coming with me! My company are moving us both, the movers are coming this Thursday, and this time next week (hopefully) we will have all our stuff set up in the new apartment in Noe… Continue reading A Reason, Not The Other