…Styles would be taught first, instead of being reserved for the advanced class.
I’ve found that basic MS Word training teaches users to apply formatting directly. But I think they would be better served by teaching them Styles in the first lesson (after the absolute basics like opening, saving, and the like). They should be taught:
- How to apply Styles so your text is consistently formatted.
- How to edit Styles so you can change all instances of that text on one go so it remains consistent.
- Advanced: How to sort heading numbering out.
You want Body Text? Select, apply Style. You want this to be a Heading 2? Boom. Not “select, choose big font, choose justification, whatever”. Styles. I know I go on about Styles all the time. I like Styles. The implementation in MS Word is clunky, but it’s the best we’ve* got.
* by “we” I mean “people forced to use MS Word in a corporate setting”