As soon as I tasted “Taylor’s Tonics Eggnog Fizz Family Brew 2010″, I knew we were in familiar territory. I was lucky enough to get bottle #21 of 21, as a gift from Taylor himself. I’m sorry I left it so long before tasting, but with complex and subtle flavors such as these, it’s best to let the brew mature and age, so as to maximize the experience.
I twisted the cap off. It was a twist-off cap, so it only hurt a medium amount.
Bouquet: Straight away you can tell this is classic Taylor’s Tonic. The vanilla marches in first, followed meekly by the clove. The cinnamon is never far away and of course the ginger lingers on past its bedtime.
Mouthfeel: Liquid.
Flavors: As this is a variation of the Taylor’s Tonics varieties now available in your local artisan soda store, Whole Foods, or cool cafe, many of the flavors are familiar. But what an exciting new blend! First off, it is brewed with
honest to goodness filtered snow from Yosemite Park
which gave it an impressive mountainous forest of deliciousness from the first sip. Echoing the bouquet, the vanilla and nutmeg give a warm roundness to the eggnog flavor, and the ginger and clove give a spicy richness.
Suggested pairings: best consumed fireside, wearing a sweater with a snowflake design.
Another Taylor’s Tonics classic!