Taking a cue from Phil Gyford, I decided to take a punt on mirroring this Geocities site of out-of-print scripts from A Bit Of Fry And Laurie here. The previous link may well be dead soon, because Yahoo!, the owners of Geocities, will soon be shutting the place down.
The script site was last updated in 2000, so I think it’s safe to say that it is dormant. Of course, the copyright holders may have something to say, but they haven’t up til now. If there is a problem, please contact me and I will honour any takedown requests
I grabbed the site using this Windows version of that amazing web-grabbing tool wget, and it’s all there, warts and all. Some image links are dead, some URLs lead nowhere. Should I fix them, or leave them as they were?
I chose this site to rescue because I’ve always been a huge fan of Messrs Fry and Laurie, from their early days popping up on Blackadder (II onwards), Saturday Live, Happy Families, and so forth, and their bibliographies are pretty darn cool too. Being a British man living in California, I find it amusing to watch the sickeningly multi-talented Mr Laurie on House, and of course Mr Fry continues to be a true modern geek renaissance man. Heroes both.
Anyway, here it is, if I can get it to work.