As described earlier, I’ve been going through old paper photos and scanning them, and posting the results on Flickr. The photos have been hanging around for years, and I kept them in an old biscuit tin that’s practically a family heirloom. It has drawn a couple of comments, so I scanned the tin, and here it is. It was probably a tourist souvenir, hence the cool pictures of London landmarks on the lid and sides. Elkes Biscuits are now a subsidiary of the mighty Northern Foods, who make everything. I’m not really sure what ‘London Biscuits’ are. Crammed tightly into a metal box?
The Tower of London complete with river gate
Buckingham Palace with 1847 closing-off amendment to prevent commoners seeing too much
St Paul’s Cathedral, looking lonely without the new buildings
Trafalgar Square – can’t see any pigeons. Traffics OK though.