After being off sick on Friday (same symptoms as the others, it turns out) Saturday was a fresh start. Did my usual pottering around, did the washing up and put the washing on while listening to, and shouting at, Any Questions, took the dog up to Tooting Bec Common for a frolic in his new bandana (pron. ban-da-NA*), where he made friends with a giant hairy Alaskan Malamute, which proceeded to gallop around nearly knocking me over and being hairy everywhere.
After that I did some more pottering, while Shuggie continued to have boundless energy, despite me thinking I’d knackered him out on the common. In the evening I went up to the big city to see Daneeta for her birthday. It was good to see her and cinematographer Patrick, and of course my fellow Mute records fan Matt. I haven’t seen any of them for months, and it was jolly good fun all round. We met at the Chandos, a very nice pub with Samuel Smith beers, which despite being right in tourist- and theatreland, doesn’t get totally rammed, and it’s cheap too. Oh and all the beers are vegan, if that matters to you.
I seem to have said I would get James to contact Daneeta about marketing techniques, and also said the Carlton might be able to provide Patrick with an old man for a short film. Promises, promises.
Sunday was nice and relaxing. I did some more pottering in the morning (very important that) and went and bought a DVD recorder from Curry’s. I know, I know, but I just couldn’t be bothered pissing around on the net forever. Got it home, it works, fine. If it breaks, my statutory rights get me a replacement within the year.
Mairi took the dog to the common this time, then about half an hour after she left, the heavens opened and it rained tremendously hard. I took photos, I was so impressed. Lightning was striking really close by, and the guttering couldn’t take the pressure, so water was just pouring off the roof. I feared for the skylight. I’ll put the pics up this evening. I was worried that Mairi and Shuggie would turn up drenched, with the dog traumatised and shivering. Luckily they made it back to the car in time, and just got a bit wet. I’d lain out towels and tea, but it wasn’t so bad. Shug did need a bath though, which he tolerated as usual, before going beserk when being dried, running up and down, savaging toys etc. Bless.
By the way, Mairi has taken some tentative steps onto the web – she has a MySpace profile. Don’t forget to add her as a friend and ask for a/s/l lol.
* pronouncing it like this is funny, and it comes from Fist of Fun, when Peter (the stinking Balham virgin) finds a book about “how to dance the Lambada” and he pronounced it ‘lam-ba-DA’ in a Welsh accent and that’s why it’s funny, although without the accent it would have been just as funny, so I needn’t have mentioned it really.