“How do you get two whales in a Mini?”
“Just go down the M4”
Two whales/to Wales, geddit? Whatever. Works better if you say it.
Saturday saw Mairi and I drive past Cardiff to Fonmon Castle to help James Derbyshire and Julia Boggio celebrate their nuptials. Big do, big castle, lots of food and drink, and a great crowd (obviously – I was there). Nice to see a few people we haven’t recently, too.
We had a great session of country dancing – a mutant mishmash of Scottish, Irish, and American. I think the crowd did surprisingly well, considering they were drunk, the caller was hoarse and the mic didn’t work. But hey! that’s rustic for you.
Photos here. What a shower. Feel free to add comments by clicking on each picture.
So there you are. James and Julia Derbyshire – Hitched, and Lovin’ It.