This is a fascinating selection of Japanese consumer product designs from the 60’s onward. Worth checking out for many reasons, including
- This 1977 setup, in a room which looks fashionable again today. Note curtains from Autumn 2004 IKEA catalogue.
- Assisted Suicide!
- Ford Anglia? Note go-faster stripe.
- Grey. Note the Georgette Heyer book.
- Bike in the boot! Note saxophone for teen-party. [Edit: Ah yes, that’ll be Madness advertising the Honda City at the bottom, then.
- OK, I’ll stop digging on the scooters now.
- Transvision Vamp sell out. Again.
Plenty more where that came from. Beautiful stuff. Modern design – I don’t know, it looks boring by comparison. Hark at the grumpy old man.