Went out after work last night with my two good friends Robin and Gren, in “London’s Fashionable Soho”. It being my birthday on the 10th June and all. As usual, the conversation covered so much ground that I think it’ll be easier to list some links to subjects covered.
Guys, correct me if I got the order wrong.
- I thanked Robin for my birthday gift of a 6ths CD.
- I’d got a David Cronenberg double bill DVD of Rabid and Shivers from Mairi. The original, not the posh remake, Chivas (geddit??!!)
- Video on Vinyl
- Reading old movie scripts
- The first treatment for Star Wars
- Luigi Pozzi’s masterpiece Starcrash
- The demise of the horror laserdisc industry
- Early forays into video rentals
- My amusing geek tshirt design
- Our old pals The Frogs
- Colin Powell
- Fundamentalist Christian Idiots in the US Government driving the world towards Armageddon
- Aforesaid idiots scaremongering
- My shameless scrabble for birthday wishes on 4rthur
- Plugging Robin’s next show on 4rthur
- Robin’s listing on the Edinburgh Fringe Programme
And who said the art of conversation was dead?