Actually not blues at all. I’m in Bedford for the weekend, visiting various folks. Statying at Mairi’s parents, and having a nice bar-b-q this afternoon. First though we’re popping into town. Mairi, her Mum and I. And what happens is that I wander off on my own, reminiscing, checking out the old haunts, and feeling faintly disappointed that I don’t run into anyone I know. Bizarre. The place has changed so much since ’95, I just wouldn’t know what to do.
I’m typing this on Mairi’s Dad’s PC, while I try and fix a couple of problems they’ve been having. Spybot – Search and Destroy has been helping me. Fantastic freeware!
My brother’s family is away this weekend, in France with my sister’s family. There hasn’t been a call from the French Police yet, so I can assume they’re getting on OK.
So I just went yesterday evening to see my Dad, who’s as well as ever. Another cruise for him coming soon, this time up the Danube. Cuh, ok for some.
But as I was saying, Bedford has changed so much recently that when I go for a drink with my brother, even he’s not sure what’s going on any more. Still, a nice pint, a nice mysanthropic chat between two people who look creepily alike and the evening is complete.